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Showing posts from April, 2024

Final Portfolio Reflection

  BreAnna Kennedy Professor Nall English Comp. II 30 April 2024 Final Portfolio Reflection             To start off the semester we began “Assignment #1: Academic Success Proposal.” This assignment was relatively simple. We were to create a proposal for a potential research or informative paper that would include commentary, evidence, and citations of all the sources we used in the proposal. The proposal audience was Ms. Nall and the other students in my class. The purpose of this assignment was basically to give myself and the other students some kind of advice or knowledge on how to succeed academically, because as you go through school it continues to get harder and harder, and many people’s mental health can decline gradually throughout the years, and with that their grades. This assignment was to be written in MLA format which includes a header with a page number, our name, professors name, class subject, and date. Along with MLA format is a title, and everything should

Assignment #3: Short Story Project Invention Techniques

 These weren't really invention techniques to me, they're more of reminders or things to remember. When I do my projects, I tend to do all my research and take notes, then I leave it alone for a day and get back to it. Writing down important things like this help me stay on track and remind me of everything that I need to know.

Assignment #2: Annotated Bibliography

For the annotated bibliography, I used a form of notetaking that way when I would go to write my summaries, I wouldn't have to read over the sources again in order to remember what each one was about, because instead my notes would jog my memory.  

Instructor/Peer Feedback

    In all honesty, I didn't use my instructor or peer feedback to increase my grade for any of these assignments, simply because I got my desired grade on all of them which was an "A." I read every comment, and looked at all of the mistakes that I got counted off for, and used that in order to improve my grades moving forward, which Ms. Nall can see as my grades on each big assignment increase, but unfortunately, I don't have an example of how I used my feedback, because it was all used on the next assignment in order to make my grade better than the last.

Assignment #3: Short Story Project

                     My "Short Story Project" was over "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid. "Girl" tells a short story of a mother trying to domesticate her daughter by teaching her how to do things such as household chores and how to act like a lady. The intended audience was my Composition II teacher Ms. Nall and my classmates. I 

Assignment #2: Annotated Bibliography

     This annotated bibliography is for any information on "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid, along with any information on the author. The paragraphs below the citations are basically summaries of what each source had to offer. Once again, the intended audience was Ms. Nall and my classmates.  BreAnna Kennedy Professor Nall Composition 2 9 March 2024                                                             Annotated Bibliography Abbott, Randy L. "Jamaica Kincaid: A Literary Companion."  Reference Reviews , vol. 23, no. 3, 2009, pp. 33-34 . ProQuest , , doi: .         “Jamaica Kincaid: A Literary Companion” is practically an autobiography about Jamaica Kincaid but Abbott takes the time to tell the readers about the significance behind her name change, and the childhood trauma that she endured that made her want to b