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Assignment #2: Annotated Bibliography

     This annotated bibliography is for any information on "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid, along with any information on the author. The paragraphs below the citations are basically summaries of what each source had to offer. Once again, the intended audience was Ms. Nall and my classmates. 

BreAnna Kennedy

Professor Nall

Composition 2

9 March 2024

                                                            Annotated Bibliography

Abbott, Randy L. "Jamaica Kincaid: A Literary Companion." Reference Reviews, vol. 23, no. 3, 2009, pp. 33-34. ProQuest, doi:

        “Jamaica Kincaid: A Literary Companion” is practically an autobiography about Jamaica Kincaid but Abbott takes the time to tell the readers about the significance behind her name change, and the childhood trauma that she endured that made her want to become a writer. Her life is the reason behind her reasoning for wanting to reach out to young black females and people that struggle with their places in womanhood, she reaches out through her writing. The article also talks about her writing techniques like humor, symbols, and the impact that the short story could have on people. This is a credible source because it was peer reviewed. I could use this source in a short story project to give some personal information on Jamaica Kincaid herself.

Bailey, Carol. "Performance and the Gendered Body in Jamaica Kincaid's "Girl" and Oonya Kempadoo's Buxton Spice: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism." Meridians, vol. 10, no. 2, 2010, pp. 106-123,198. ProQuest,

       The article is basically centered around how Jamaica Kincaid focuses on creating a script or a layout of what womanhood entails.  The authors use this article to take the time to acknowledge another piece of literature in comparison to them kind of being like “guides.” The article was peer reviewed and the published originally by Duke University Press. I could utilize this source in a short story project to compare it to another piece of writing and use the differences to analyze how Kincaid’s writing style is different from Kempadoo’s.

Hoagland, Ericka. "Jamaica Kincaid: Writing Memory, Writing Back to the Mother." Modern Fiction Studies, vol. 53, no. 3, 2007, pp. 630-634. ProQuest

        Ericka Hoagland talks about what motivated Kincaid to become a writer. It also provides us with some information on Kincaid’s life growing up and most importantly the author tries to figure out the reason behind why she wrote so many pieces of literature about her mom. This is a credible source because it was published by John Hopkins University Press, and it was peer reviewed when published on ProQuest. I could use this source in a short story project to explain Kincaid as not only an author but as a person too.  

Jayasree, K. "Linguistic-Literary Camouflage in Jamaica Kincaid's "Girl"." IUP Journal of English Studies, vol. 13, no. 2, 2018, pp. 81-87. ProQuest,

In this article the author talks about Jamaica Kincaid’s short story “Girl”, the article mentions how “Girl” has a lot of literary devices used to disguise some of the author’s real emotions. The author analyzes everything down to the conclusion in order to see what actions and decisions that are made by the author regarding Kincaid’s writing style, humor, etc. The author’s article was peer reviews, has around 5 references or citations, and the author of the article was the former head of the Postgraduate Department of English Studies at his place of occupation. I could use this source in a short story project when talking about some of the literary techniques she used.

Nayar, Pramod K. "TEACHING AND READING JAMAICA KINCAID'S "GIRL": A REVIEW OF GENERAL SEMANTICS." Et Cetera, vol. 76, no. 3, 2019, pp. 285-290. ProQuest,

The article talks about the experience that the author had teaching and reading this story to the class, along with the experience that the class had learning about it. The author believed that this story was important to include in their curriculum, because it’s important that they know things behind gender roles. The article was peer reviewed and the author studied at a University in India. I could use this source in a short story project to talk about how this story can impact people or has impacted people.

Ohito, Esther Oganda. “Refusing Curriculum as a Space of Death for Black Female Subjects: A Black Feminist Reparative Reading of Jamaica Kincaids’s ‘Girl’” Curriculum Inquiry, vol. 46, no. 5, Dec. 2016, pp. 436-54. EBSCOhost,

        Esther Ohito acknowledges that the education system limits curriculum due to race and gender and mentions how they classify the limited subjects as “other.” The author focuses mainly on Black feminists and the reason behind “othering” the curriculum about Black women. This is a credible source because the author has credentials from Columbia University in New York, and the article was originally published by Wiley Blackwell. This source could be used in a short story project for research on the inequalities behind black women and literature.

Reem, Ahmad R., and Adel A. Nusaiba. "Genre Crossing in Jamaica Kincaid’s ‘Girl’: From Short Fiction to Poetry." Advances in Language and Literary Studies, vol. 9, no. 3, 2018, pp. 157-165. ProQuest,, doi:

Reem and Adel take the time to explain in the article the analyzation behind Jamaica Kincaid’s work. They analyze the poetic qualities of the book and try to understand the reason behind “Genre Crossing” between a short story and poetry. The author’s mention that it’s an “unconventional piece of writing”, which leads me to believe they don’t appreciate the crossing of genres. The article was peer reviewed, published and/or written by Advances in Language and Literary Studies.

Rosenberg, Naomi, and Michael Vitez. “Jamaica Kincaid’s ‘Girl’ and the Challenge of Growing Up in Medical Training.” JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 322, no.13, Oct. 2019, pp. 1238-39. EBSCOhost,

        This article is a tad different from the rest because it talks about how the short story “Girl” is used in medical workshops. It’s used to help individuals in training programs, or in the medical field in general, grow professionally. The article is credible because the author has credentials from the Department of Emergency Medicine, and it comes from the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). I can use this source in a short story project to show how versatile the short story it is, and how it has educational benefits.


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